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Application in Cold Storage


Jul . 2023
Cold room is important facility in frozen food processing, storage and circulation. As a hich energy buildting, cold room has been concered due to hicth ooweronsumption "The Twelfth Five ear Plan"(2011-2015) raised that the energy consumption per unit of GDP should reduce 16% than the consumption ....
Application in Cold Storage
Application in Cold Storage
Application in Cold Storage
Application in Cold Storage

Cold room is important facility in frozen food processing, storage and circulation. As a hich energy buildting, cold room has been concered due to hicth ooweronsumption "The Twelfth Five ear Plan"(2011-2015) raised that the energy consumption per unit of GDP should reduce 16% than the consumption by theend of "The Eleventh Five Yea  (ntemational lnstitute of Refrigeration) recuired that in the next 20 years should "make every refricerated ecuiomentreduce 30-50% energy consumption”

Since the insulation energy consumption takes up 20-35% of the whole cold storage system, it has been the most concern to the owners. The buidindenvelope system and insulaton mateals couid determine the overal energy consumpton of cold storage. Feninger is wiling to provide an integratedeconomic and green energy saving solution! Using reasonable insulation solutions to meet the building performance, we can spend the least cost to get thebest results!

25MM XPS=40MM EPS=200MM Aerated Concrete=620MM Solid Brick

Design Category: Civil Construction Cold Storage, Assembled Cold Storage, Natural Cave Cold Storage Air-conditioned Cold Storage

Industry Category: Food and Medical,Cold Chain Logistics,Vegetable and fruit fresh-keeping,Constant Temperature Workshop.Biological Engineering

Cold Storage Category :

l.Refrigerated cold storage     2.Oucik freezing cold storage
3Food cold storage     4. Fresh keeping cold storage
5.Medicine cold storage     6.Logistics cold storage

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Email: market@feininger.cn

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Address: No.2 Zhonglin Road,TangshanIndustry Area,Nanjing City, JiangsuProvince,China

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