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Feininger high-strength Cold Storage Extruded Plastic Panels


Nov . 2023
In addition to important factors such as thermal efficiency and moisture resistance, the insulation of extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage needs to have sufficient compressive strength characteristics.

Effective insulation is an important aspect of flooring in any cold storage facility. It helps maintain the correct internal temperature and reduces energy use. In the case of refrigerated cold storage, it is necessary to consider the reversal of the usual flow of heat and moisture from the inside out. Unlike conventional building structures, heat diffuses through floors and enclosures, flowing from the wet subsoil and external environment to the colder, drier interior of the refrigerated cold storage area.

In addition to important factors such as thermal efficiency and moisture resistance, the insulation of extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage needs to have sufficient compressive strength characteristics. It must be able to withstand the loads of other flooring materials, as well as the dynamic and static weight of the activities of goods and people stored in refrigerated cold storage facilities.

Evaluation of the compression performance of extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage

By measuring the compressive behavior of a material, such as an insulating material, its ability to resist loads applied to it can be assessed and determined. The test method for insulating materials involves placing the sample between two plates of the test instrument and applying varying degrees of force. Depending on the test method and standard, the compression properties of the insulation material will also vary.

In one case, it can refer to compressing an insulator into a load of 10% of its thickness, resulting in relative deformation relative to the thickness of the original sample. Alternatively, it can refer to the load at "yield", which is the point at which the insulating material can be described as having failed before compressing 10%.

The importance of compressive strength of extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage

The insulation material will never be used in situations where compression is possible by 10%. The consequences of this large movement are unbearable for any cold storage extruded panel material. Assessing the compressive properties of the floor and specifying the correct insulation material is critical to the safety and proper functioning of the refrigerated cold storage structure.

Insulated concrete slabs are a common requirement for refrigerated cold storage facilities. Therefore, the insulation material used for extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage must be able to withstand heavy loads. This includes structural loads from the floor itself, in addition to stored cargo and power loads from pedestrians and heavy vehicles driving on the floor.

Compression creep

Another important consideration when specifying the insulation of extruded panels in a cold storage freezer is to consider compression creep. Long loading produces progressive compression, affecting different materials in different ways. Therefore, the long-term effects of the load require a different measurement method – compression creep. The static weight of the stored goods is more likely to be the cause of compression creep.

Unfortunately, many insulation material manufacturers do not test for compression creep because it requires a test cycle of 122 to 608 days, depending on the simulation period - 10, 25 or 50 years. Some manufacturers claim that the compression creep changes to "compression strength at 2% compression" or similar, as the total compression proven is usually around 2%.

Compressive strength characteristics of extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage

Cold storage extruded panels provide the maximum range of compressive strength and are one of the few insulating products where manufacturers invest time in testing and declaring compression creep. The evenly distributed closed holes in the extruded panels in the cold storage give them excellent compressive strength characteristics. This makes it a reliable and long-lasting solution when used on extruded panels in refrigerated cold storage that must withstand heavy loads.

In addition to its high compressive strength, refrigerated cold storage extruded plastic panels have other characteristics that make them ideal for use in refrigerated cold storage. It has a high, stable, predictable thermal conductivity, is highly moisture resistant, is very durable, and has a long service life.

Feininger's range of extruded panels for refrigerated cold storage is available in a variety of sizes, thicknesses and compressive strengths to meet the requirements of any cold storage extruded panel specification. Feninger extruded panels are ideal for chilled and cold-pultruded panels because they have a basic compressive strength of 300 kPa and a basic compressive strength of 500 kPa, so they can withstand higher floor loads in refrigerated cold storage facilities.

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